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Disability Services: Disability Services Graduate Assistant

Graduate Assistantship

Position Type: Full Time/ 2 positions available

Credit Waiver: 9 Credits

Supervisor: Dr. Natalie Burick;

• Check disability services email frequently and print any needed examinations for that day
• Respond to ALL emails throughout the day in order to help our office build relationships with faculty and other offices on campus; even just a thank you for sending an exam
• Check phone messages regularly and respond accordingly
• Review the daily exam board and make sure all professors who are emailing exams have provided them
• Faculty outreach: send reminder emails to faculty members who are emailing and dropping off exams at the end of each shift and as needed
• Check ALL exam storage areas prior to emailing faculty members (exam filing cabinet, the weekly file divider on table and the black accordion file)
• Periodically delete emails that are no longer needing attention from the disability services email
• Keep track of those who have checked out assistive technology
• Assist student assistants with exam questions and concerns
• Assist with assigning students’ lockers and placing students in testing rooms
• Help to prepare test proctor forms in confidential envelopes as needed
• Frequently input test proctor forms into the test proctor spreadsheet using the Excel sheet saved on GA flash drive
• Assist office staff in maintaining functionality of the office WEEKLY TASKS
• Conduct weekly check-in meetings for students needing continued support
• Meet with director or assistant director as needed to discuss supports and concerns AS

• Complete appropriate documentation/case note following student meetings
• Scan all stamped and received documentation into Accommodate (make sure to notify staff what you are uploading)
• Conduct FYRST Seminar presentations (if requested by staff)
• Provide students appropriate paper work when checking out equipment- then upload all into accommodate
• Coordinate the ordering and documentation of textbooks in a digital format, contact the student one you receive the book to meet with them
• Provide brief instructional session on how to operate assistive technology
• Install and maintain appropriate paperwork for Kurzweil 3000
• Maintain and manage Kurzweil 3000 licenses, Let Natalie and Kim which students need to be removed, a work order has to be placed to actually remove students from the account
• Assist with the reading of exams as assigned
• Assist with the location of volunteer note takers as needed, by establishing communication with faculty members concerning the issue

• Help to coordinate all necessary finals week preparations 4-6 weeks prior to final examinations
• Meet with students who have academic concerns at mid-term to provide support and resources to assist them to be successful

• Send out reminder emails to the students for the return of any rented technology before the end of the semester.

• Create and adjust seating arrangements for final exams (help Suzanne complete these tasks)
• During finals week you should plan to be present every day in the office (for most of the day) we need “all hands on deck”

• Create and provide students success workshops (study skills, time management, preparing for final exams, etc.)

• The graduate student will learn to assess the needs of students with disabilities in an effective manner while providing high quality service.
• The graduate student will learn to read and decipher documentation and assist with deciding appropriate support and accommodations for students.
• Will gain highly marketable skills in working with a diverse population of students with disabilities.
• Will gain experience and knowledge on designing programs appropriate for students